Facebook youtube trump facebook theverge
The Verge – YouTube removed the video, Facebook de-ranked…
YouTube removed the video, Facebook de-ranked it, and Twitter let it stand. … Trump has made things like this ok & he wants things to happen because then …
Meta allows Trump back on Facebook and Instagram
Meta allows Trump back on Facebook and Instagram – The Verge
25.01.2023 — Meta announced Wednesday that it will allow former President Donald Trump back on Facebook and Instagram two years after his initial …
The social media giant banned the former president following the deadly January 6th attack at the Capitol two years ago.
YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook continue bans over Trump …
YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook continue bans over Trump election claims – The Verge
27.01.2021 — Platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook are maintaining bans on former President Trump and his allies, blocking them from new posts …
Platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook are maintaining bans on former President Trump and his allies, blocking them from new posts and ad revenue. Rudy Giuliani is no longer a YouTube Partner, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has been banned from Twitter, and Facebook is referring its ban to the Facebook Oversight Board.
Facebook stops Trump’s account – level 2 – YouTube
Facebook stops Trump’s account – level 2 – YouTube
07.06.2021 — Facebook stops Trump’s account – level 2. 1.5K views 1 year ago. NewsinLevels. NewsinLevels. 28K subscribers. Subscribe.
You can read the news on https://www.newsinlevels.com
Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica data scandal, explained
Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica data scandal, explained – YouTube
22.03.2018 — The Verge’s Silicon Valley editor Casey Newton reports. … Visit our playlists: https://goo.gl/94XbKx Like The Verge on Facebook: …
Cambridge Analytica improperly obtained data from as many as 50 million people. That’s put Mark Zuckerberg on the defensive. The Verge’s Silicon Valley edito…
The Verge – YouTube
Welcome to the YouTube channel for TheVerge.com, a team of journalists that examines how technology will change life in the future. Subscribe for explainers …
Donald Trump’s return to Facebook …Tech & Science Daily …
Peter Thiel – Facebook, PayPal, Palantir: Wie der Pate des Silicon Valley … – Max Chafkin – Google Books
Seit den Tagen der Dot-Com-Blase in den späten 1990er-Jahren hat keine Branche die Welt mehr beeinflusst als das Silicon Valley. Und nur wenige Personen haben das Silicon Valley mehr geprägt als Peter Thiel – milliardenschwerer Unternehmer und Duzfreund von Elon Musk. Er ist Mastermind und Kapitalgeber hinter einer ganzen Reihe von Unternehmen wie Paypal, Facebook oder Palantir. Doch trotz seiner Macht und der Allgegenwärtigkeit seiner Projekte ist keine öffentliche Figur so geheimnisvoll. Erstmals zeichnet der renommierte Bloomberg-Journalist Max Chafkin in dieser Biografie den Lebensweg und die Weltanschauung des Innovators nach – von seiner Erziehung als Kind von deutschen Einwanderern und seinen Jahren in Stanford als aufkeimender konservativer Vordenker bis hin zur Gründung von PayPal und Palantir, seinen frühen Investitionen in Facebook und SpaceX und seinen Beziehungen zu anderen Tech-Titanen wie Mark Zuckerberg oder Elon Musk. Kein Journalist hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren so intensiv mit Peter Thiel, seinem Leben, seinen Firmen und seinem Mindset auseinandergesetzt wie Max Chafkin. In unzähligen persönlichen Gesprächen mit Thiels Freunden und Menschen die nah mit ihm zusammengearbeitet haben, gelingt Chafkin ein geradezu intimes Portrait von Thiel, das seinesgleichen sucht.
Peter Thiel – Facebook, PayPal, Palantir: Wie der Pate des …
The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power – Max Chafkin – Google Books
A New York Times Notable Book A biography of venture capitalist and entrepreneur Peter Thiel, the enigmatic, controversial, and hugely influential power broker who sits at the dynamic intersection of tech, business, and politics “Max Chafkin’s The Contrarian is much more than a consistently shocking biography of Peter Thiel, the most important investor in tech and a key supporter of the Donald Trump presidency. It’s also a disturbing history of Silicon Valley that will make you reconsider the ideological foundations of America’s relentless engine of creative destruction.”—Brad Stone, author of The Everything Store and Amazon UnboundSince the days of the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s, no industry has made a greater impact on the world than Silicon Valley. And few individuals have done more to shape Silicon Valley than Peter Thiel. The billionaire venture capitalist and entrepreneur has been a behind-the-scenes operator influencing countless aspects of our contemporary way of life, from the technologies we use every day to the delicate power balance between Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and Washington. But despite his power and the ubiquity of his projects, no public figure is quite so mysterious.In the first major biography of Thiel, Max Chafkin traces the trajectory of the innovator’s singular life and worldview, from his upbringing as the child of immigrant parents and years at Stanford as a burgeoning conservative thought leader to his founding of PayPal and Palantir, early investment in Facebook and SpaceX, and relationships with fellow tech titans Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Eric Schmidt. The Contrarian illuminates the extent to which Thiel has sought to export his values to the corridors of power beyond Silicon Valley, including funding the lawsuit that destroyed the blog Gawker and strenuously backing far-right political candidates, notably Donald Trump for president in 2016. Eye-opening and deeply reported, The Contrarian is a revelatory biography of a one-of-a-kind leader and an incisive portrait of a tech industry whose explosive growth and power is both thrilling and fraught with controversy.
Keywords: facebook youtube trump facebook theverge